Discover local, honest food.
Join us as we connect you with local restaurants, farms, ranches, markets, and artisanal makers, all dedicated to bringing you responsibly-sourced, delicious, nourishing offerings. Explore these test cities:
(146 miles away)
(1418 miles away)
(1340 miles away)
(1301 miles away)
🚀 The Beta has arrived 🎉
The day has finally arrived! We are so excited to share the Food Done Better Beta with y'all! But why a Beta?
Our goal over the next few weeks is to discover bugs, address user feedback, and improve functionality across the site. As with all new pieces of software, we can only test it ourselves so thoroughly before letting it take its first few baby steps in the real world, which inevitably come with plenty of stumbles and tumbles.
I'd like to extend a big “thank you” to anyone testing out the site before our official launch! This project has been a labor of love starting as a simple (yet ambitious) idea and after over a thousand solo hours ideating, designing and coding I can finally present the following to you.
To those who have been there with me throughout this long winding journey, I am extremely grateful for your support. This project means a great deal to me and I am very excited to share it with the world.
Jake Blank
During the Beta we will be actively updating the site as we become aware of issues as well as continuing to develop items already on our roadmap.
So, here's how you can help:
- Explore the site in one of the Beta cities (listed at the top of this page).
- See what you think and make note of anything confusing or unintuitive
- See if anything breaks
- Relay your feedback to us through the link below (be honest, we have thick skin!)